Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Day of the Dead-ly Davis Derby
Time: 10/31 4:00 PM (US/Pacific)
Location: Bike Forth, NW corner of 4th and L


You and a team will be supplied with a map and key to complete a quest of multiple obstacles around the town of Davis on a hallowed happy hour(s). In the end, you will win the ultimate raffle.

Teams of 3-6, donate some cash to Bike Forth for registration ($2-5), wear a costume/disguise.
Reg at 3:30pm, ride at 4pm!!!

via Davis Wiki


First post.

I intend to use this space as a calender, listing events, shows, gallery openings, bike races and other such get togethers as I see fit.

I'm always open to submissions, because I don't want to be too narrowly focused.

my email: ojosdelaagua@gmail.com